Graffam paper model fantasy town 15mm

A City for All Scales: Fantasy Town follow-up

Posting this for the sake of being a completest – I spent some more time ‘evolving’ the fantasy town that I was messing around with on the post I made on the vinyl map printing – so I thought I’d record the finished thing here (if there ever is such a thing in this hobby).

At first glance you won’t notice a huge difference. I’ve replaced some of the smaller ‘true 15mm’  resin buildings with more Graffam houses. These ones are a little less ’15mm’ and more HO/OO or even 25mm in a couple of cases. Here’s the logic – by mixing scales a bit you can;

  • get a certain sense of perspective and irregularity of scale variation across the whole town
  • create (or undermine) a sense of ‘true scale’ thus making the terrain feasible with multiple scales (you’ll see a couple of shots with 25/28mm minis in there)
  • using mostly Graffam and paper models, get a better sense of architectural style. Some of the previous building just ‘jarred’ with the dominating theme.

Anyway, enough blether. Pics.

Graffam paper model fantasy town 15mm
Vampires and Hunters battle it out.
Graffam paper model fantasy town 15mm
I’ve got a post in mind showing the use of some of the old Usborne cut-out-terrain books. These stalls are from a couple of them. HO/OO

Graffam paper model fantasy town 15mm
Here’s a tip – to rescale the Manor House from Games Workshop (you can see it middle top). I scanned in the doorway, scaled it down and added some wall around it to match. Printed it out and stuck it over the existing 28mm door. Ta da! A 15mm temporary door. The rest scales fine. The wooden columns and roofs to the sides are from some Megablok Pirate ship sets my son used to play with. Statue in the garden is a High Heaven’s mini mentioned in previous posts and subject of another dilemma that may feature soon in another post.
Graffam paper model fantasy town 15mm
28mm Guildball Minis below, 15mm Splintered Light wizard up top.

Graffam paper model fantasy town 15mm Graffam paper model fantasy town 15mm Graffam paper model fantasy town 15mm Graffam paper model fantasy town 15mm

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