Mythological Gods Norse, Greek, Egyptian High Heavens Board Game 28mm miniatures

My Gods! Heaven knows how long this post has been waiting – High Heavens: The Board Game

If I wait to get any more of these painted I will never do a post on High Heavens.

As far as Kickstarters go, it was the most delayed I’ve backed (including Conan). The range of “Godly” mythological miniatures was too tempting. I was running a risk on quality, as this mini heavy game was coming from a company with little or no track record. It was also the first KS I ever backed – but not the first I ever received!

Well, long story short, the miniatures are not that bad. Not amazing either. I do like the sculpts (on the whole) and really wish I’d gone with the resin option. While the standard PVC ones are “okay” they are not as good as some you will see in other mini-heavy board games – Zombicide and more recently Conan spring to mind. Think marginally below Reaper Bones standard. C’est la Vie.

Out of the box there was some worry – as is the case with ‘softer’ PVC minis, the tales of super-bendy spears, swords, etc seemed to have extended to legs and shields.

Well, fortunately the “boiling water, cold water” treatment worked on them fine and all are very upright deities once again. Sadly, the quality of these miniatures (the material rather than the sculpts) means, for me, they will never be ‘pride of place’ miniatures – they are too difficult to clean up properly and do not retain the detail promised by CGI renders or possibly the resin alternatives. Plus I have to paint them more like ‘cartoons’ than my normal approach which I find far less appealing. Humpf.

First to paint up was Hercules, also covered in a post a while back. Then Vidar (Norse) and Set (Egyptian).

Mythological Gods Norse, Greek, Egyptian High Heavens Board Game 28mm miniatures Mythological Gods Norse, Greek, Egyptian High Heavens Board Game 28mm miniatures Mythological Gods Norse, Greek, Egyptian High Heavens Board Game 28mm miniatures Mythological Gods Norse, Greek, Egyptian High Heavens Board Game 28mm miniatures Mythological Gods Norse, Greek, Egyptian High Heavens Board Game 28mm miniatures

As I’d ‘trimmed’ and undercoated them all I thought I’d give Askelepios  a wash or two and see how he looked as a classical marble statue (in the back of my mind I hoped for great things as I could apply the same principle to all the miniatures and save a lot of painting time). He played a small part as a civic statue in this post, but alas, I do not like it enough – besides, ‘discrepancies’ in the moulding are a little harder to ‘conceal’ without a greater colour palette. I’ll colour him in later – I’ll keep him like this to remind me that ‘that idea’ didn’t really work out for now.

Mythological Gods Norse, Greek, Egyptian High Heavens Board Game 28mm miniaturesMythological Gods Norse, Greek, Egyptian High Heavens Board Game 28mm miniaturesMore recently I painted up Artemis (below) and on the bench at the moment is Thor (motivated by a recent game of Of Gods and Mortals where my Celts were trounced by some Norse led by a Thor with very dodgy hair and beard – Hi John!).

Mythological Gods Norse, Greek, Egyptian High Heavens Board Game 28mm miniatures Mythological Gods Norse, Greek, Egyptian High Heavens Board Game 28mm miniaturesOn a parting note – after waiting so long for this KS to arrive and not being overwhelmed by the models themselves, you can imagine my feelings when the folk behind Conan announced Mythic Battles. As I write this there are only an few days left to go on the Kickstarter. I am sorely tempted. Some of the models look incredible. It can work alongside Conan. Total bargain to boot.

BUT “Mythic Battles: Pantheon” has ONLY Greek Gods, Legends and warriors. I’ve got Norse and Egyptian Gods coming out of my ears (did I mention there are 12 Gods for each Pantheon?) But did you notice the “Pantheon” in the game title? Yup, they’ll be more Godly games from Monolith – Norse, Egyptian, Oriental, Roman, etc.

Who am I kidding?

2 thoughts on “My Gods! Heaven knows how long this post has been waiting – High Heavens: The Board Game”

  1. Hope your are not so disapointed by your soft mini. I think they are much too thin to be adapted to this kind of material.
    May be the board game are better than the minis.

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