GZG Corporate Japanese Reinforcements arrive. The beheading begins!

A little while back I painted up some Rebel Miniatures Corporate Infantry which I was quite pleased with. Continuing the theme are these fellows from Ground Zero Games.

As anyone vaguely paying attention to my likes and dislikes, I’m a big fan of ‘character’ models so these miniatures fit the bill very nicely indeed.

First up are SG15-J02 “Japanese infantry bare headed/headband“. All unique minis making a really nice 8 man squad.

SG15-J02 "Japanese infantry bare headed/headband" Ground Zero Games 15mm

SG15-J02 "Japanese infantry bare headed/headband" Ground Zero Games 15mm

SG15-J02 "Japanese infantry bare headed/headband" Ground Zero Games 15mm

GZG Japanese Corporate Troops and Ashigaru 15mm Sci Fi

GZG Japanese Corporate Troops and Ashigaru 15mm Sci Fi

SG15-J02 "Japanese infantry bare headed/headband" Ground Zero Games 15mm

Next we have SG15-J21 “Japanese Tech Ninja Special Forces” – these come in a pack of 8 miniatures with 4 poses. At the same time I ordered a few packs of Jon’s ‘heads’ and it made sense to give half this pack the be-heading treatment. It would after all tie them in better with the infantry above.

First off the ‘heads’ are brilliant. Great selection and well defined (if a little large in some cases). As far as using them with the Ninja here I’m more than pleased with the overall results. They have since seen more action with some Clear Horizon miniatures, again to add more variety to a unit.


GZG Japanese Corporate Troops and Ashigaru 15mm Sci Fi

GZG Japanese Corporate Troops and Ashigaru 15mm Sci Fi

One minor quibble! And that’s scale – which may come as a surprise to some as I am quite anti-scale police. Pic below shows that the Infantry are quite a bit smaller than their Ninja counterparts. Indeed almost closer in scale to the under-scale MTU Trooper (Prototype) from

White Dragon Miniatures (when I joined the Kickstarter I was assured that they are being scaled up to truer 15mm – due to arrive soon).

That said we can assume that the Ninja are drawn from a more robust gene pool (or genetically enhanced) and can easily rationalise the scale difference thus. So all good. (As an aside, I’m guessing the difference is historical with the Infantry being produce way back when 15mm was 15mm rather than nearer 18mm today – Jon can confirm if he stumbles across this post. That and/or a different sculptor).

GZG Japanese Corporate Troops and Ashigaru 15mm Sci Fi
LtoR: GW Necromunda Esher Ganger 28mm, GZG Tech Ninja 18mm?, GZG Japanese Infantry 15mm, White Dragon MTU Trooper 12mm?, Chaos Space Marine 6/8mm GW Epic

3 thoughts on “GZG Corporate Japanese Reinforcements arrive. The beheading begins!”

  1. I see what you mean about the scale but I think this is deliberate. The Japanese corporate mercenaries are slightly smaller than other figures in GZG 25mm scale. In reality (that weird place I try to avoid) oriental types tend to be a little shorter on average (excepting the basketball team of Japan). The ninjas are either genetically manipulated, wearing high heels or possibly brain-washed gaijin from one of the corporation’s secret projects.

    In reality though differences like this really don’t worry me. Especially as I could get a group of people where I work to stand together and, if you bought them as miniatures, you’d probably say ‘The’re all in different scales!’.

    Nice painting too.

    1. Hi John
      Yes, I think we agree on ‘explaining’ the difference away. But looking at the styles I’m pretty sure this is really down to different sculptors.

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