28mm and 15mm Judge Dredd 2000AD SciFi Skirmish

“I am the Lawww… Biggest!”: Judge Dredd in 15mm and 28mm

I’ve already amassed and painted a fair few law enforcers that would not look out of place in Mega City One – courtesy of 15mm.co.uk (Laserburn range) – my previous efforts are here and here. Old figures but still great fun. I recently picked up a few sculpts at a bring and buy that I didn’t already have and got around to painting them up to join the rest of the Justice Department.

I had also picked up a few 2000AD minis from Wargames Foundry in a sale last year so thought I’d paint up the Judge Dredd I’d purchased at the same time as the 15mm guys as I’d be using the same colour palette.

Here they are, big and little together.

15mm Judge Dredd 2000AD SciFi Skirmish 15mm Judge Dredd 2000AD SciFi Skirmish 28mm Judge Dredd 2000AD SciFi Skirmish
28mm Judge Dredd 2000AD SciFi Skirmish 28mm Judge Dredd 2000AD SciFi Skirmish 28mm Judge Dredd 2000AD SciFi Skirmish 28mm and 15mm Judge Dredd 2000AD SciFi Skirmish

8 thoughts on ““I am the Lawww… Biggest!”: Judge Dredd in 15mm and 28mm”

  1. Surely that’s Judge Giant in that last picture! (although I do realise the the skin tones are completely different before you point that out)

  2. Where did Ou get the 15mm judge with the cape? I didn’t know that sculpt yet. It looks pretty good and slightly larger (?) than the rest of the minis.

    1. Hi Florian – I picked all three up at a bring and buy. I assumed they were OOP Laserburn minis as they tie in with them quite well. I could be wrong. Maybe FASA/Traveller sculpts? Not sure. Sorry.

      1. Thanks for answering nevertheless. I’m still looking for such a sculpt (and for 15mm TMNT) to go with my Batman and Ninjas for a good super hero rumble.

  3. Those 15mm judges are from the old Citadel/RAFM Traveller range, now out of production. RAFM still sell most of the range, but sadly not the Law Officers (or the not-ABC Warriors). These figures still turn up from time to time on eBay, though.

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