Last post of the month and it really has to be dedicated to Oathsworn Miniatures. Their recently funded Kickstarter campaign “Heroines in Sensible Shoes” arrived a couple of days ago and the miniatures look as good in the flesh (or better even) than promised.
I’m not going to bother posting any pictures of ‘lead’ as you can see the details here if you wish – but I will add that Jo and Michael packaged their figures up very well indeed using a couple of plastic boxes which in themselves will be useful for other things! Hurrah!
Eye Candy wise though I, coincidentally, recently finished off the first batch of Oathsworn Burrows & Badgers miniatures I mentioned in a previous post. Avid readers may recall the issues I had with my first B&B miniature “Haggis” and how I stopped and started as I struggled with Non Metallic Metal painting.
However, once the dust had settled on that little escapade the next few were a breeze and delight to paint and I’m well pleased with how they have turned out. I also completed a couple of dwarves which I will post about another time.

Wow! They look fantastic! I can’t wait to see what you do with the Heroines 🙂
Thanks Jo. But bigger thanks to you guys for producing such nice models in the first place!
Speed-painting isn’t my thing I’m afraid (plus lead pile issues) so patience my need to be a virtue on the heroines!