Rackham Confrontation Hybrid 28mm Fantasy Steampunk Frostgrave Warband Templars of Hod

Rackham: Dusted off some warband members

During my hiatus from the hobby I did still flutter around the fringes and attend the occasional wargames show, sometimes with my son (in a rather selfish bid to entice him to the dark side). On one such occasion I allowed him to talk me in to buying  the boxed game from Rackham “Hybrid” which contained a number of very nice models and game tiles.

Racham Confrontation 28mm Fantasy Steampunk Frostgrave Warband Templars of Hod

Years sitting neglected and (almost) forgotten I dug it out as my interest in 28mm grew again. With Mordhiem or Frostgrave in mind I decided to paint up the “Templars of Hod” that came with the set.

After only getting half way through a couple of them (pictures) I’d already jumped on to eBay and made a few additional purchases. Likewise a deal on LAF which I couldn’t ignore.

Aside from their dwarfs and goblins (which stylistically I’m not a fan of) the Rackham miniatures must be among some of the best (and in some cases unusual) miniatures out there.

Very sad that they are no more. I’ll be keeping an eye on eBay for deals to be sure.
Racham Confrontation 28mm Fantasy Steampunk Frostgrave Warband Templars of Hod Racham Confrontation 28mm Fantasy Steampunk Frostgrave Warband Templars of Hod

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