Category Archives: High Heavens

High Heavens: Greek, Norse and Egyptian Pantheons, RIP

It with a bit of a heavy heart that I write this post. Some time ago I backed the High Heavens Kickstarter as the game appealed greatly with so many Gods battling it out. The KS delivered and the game was good and the miniatures ‘not bad’. As you’ll see from earlier posts that I’ve painted a few others previously.

This batch I painted last summer. And this is the sad part.

Mythic Battles: Pantheon arrived.

Okay, MB:P is just the Greek Pantheon (Norse coming soon). It also covers far more territory than just Gods. However, the contrast in miniature quality in every regard – sculpting, material quality and conceptually – is far far better than High Heavens.

Mythic Battles: Pantheon is a much more appealing painting project I am afraid. And as anyone that backed the KS will know – there is a lot to paint. So the rest of the High Heavens Gods may not get any attention for a very long time, if ever. (I’ve recently finished the Core box of Mythic Battles: Pantheon and will be posting pics soon).

So this may well be a swan song post for High Heavens. Adieu.

The Greek Pantheon: High Heavens Board Game Painted Miniatures 28mm Gods High Heavens Board Game Painted Miniatures 28mm Gods Continue reading High Heavens: Greek, Norse and Egyptian Pantheons, RIP

How Big is your God? Miniature scale in “Of Gods and Mortals”

“Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.” So they say. Well, the same can be said for scale too! This post and these pics were in the pipe for attention later but I’ve jumped the queue because of a very related post regards scale regards Mortals, Legends and Gods in Andrea Sfiligoi‘s Of Gods and Mortals.

I’ve only played a couple of games so far – one defeat and one catastrophic stuffing – but remain undeterred as at least the first game was fun (the second lasted 10 minutes).

We chose to go down the 15mm route for mortals (no surprise there!). Plenty of choice for foot, chariot, cavalry and the like be they fantasy based or historical. This kind of means Legends could be anywhere from 15mm up to 28mm if you allow for a bit of literary/saga/legend/folklore license. Then Gods, in my minds eye, 28mm and upwards depending upon the God. The more impressive the better.

Not yet used in OGAM, I plan to make use of some of the minis obtained via the High Heavens board game I recently posted about. Various legends ‘off scale’ could include the 20mm Hercules from the Age of Mythology board game sprues of which I picked up a few years ago for useful legendary types from Greek, Norse and Egyptian mythology (happily the same pantheons used in High Heavens).

A few relevant blog posts:

But here are the ‘Gods’ on active duty at the moment, although Orion has yet to take to the field.

Triad of GodsIf anyone can help identify the Thor (Frost Giant), I think from Reaper or Grenadier, would be interesting.

Of Gods and Mortals Thor Frost Giant Reaper Of Gods and Mortals Thor Frost Giant Reaper Continue reading How Big is your God? Miniature scale in “Of Gods and Mortals”

My Gods! Heaven knows how long this post has been waiting – High Heavens: The Board Game

If I wait to get any more of these painted I will never do a post on High Heavens.

As far as Kickstarters go, it was the most delayed I’ve backed (including Conan). The range of “Godly” mythological miniatures was too tempting. I was running a risk on quality, as this mini heavy game was coming from a company with little or no track record. It was also the first KS I ever backed – but not the first I ever received!

Well, long story short, the miniatures are not that bad. Not amazing either. I do like the sculpts (on the whole) and really wish I’d gone with the resin option. While the standard PVC ones are “okay” they are not as good as some you will see in other mini-heavy board games – Zombicide and more recently Conan spring to mind. Think marginally below Reaper Bones standard. C’est la Vie.

Out of the box there was some worry – as is the case with ‘softer’ PVC minis, the tales of super-bendy spears, swords, etc seemed to have extended to legs and shields.

Continue reading My Gods! Heaven knows how long this post has been waiting – High Heavens: The Board Game

Fantastic Plastic revisited: Little Gods

Always dabbling in other options for toy soldiers, not least options in plastic which tend to be hit or miss. Here are a few of my latest findings.

First up ‘Hercules’. This first one is effectively a 20mm plastic playing piece from Age of Mythology. I’d painted up a few of the Egyptian themed minis from this set a while back and some other Greek mythos before that.


I’ve also mentioned the High Heavens Kickstarter that I backed (and finally received). I picked one at random to paint up and it was the ‘Hercules’ character (that’s why I chose to paint up 20mm version above at the same time).

As with all plastics of this kind (quite soft compared to most wargaming plastics) removing flash was a real bore and less than 100% effective. Both painted up okay though. Options abound as uses as Demi-God heroic scale minis alongside 15mm mortals.

I’ve more to report on the High Heavens miniatures at a later date (pics of bent over Gods, hot water treatment, de-flashing tantrums, painting options, etc).

IMG_6709_15mm_miniatures Continue reading Fantastic Plastic revisited: Little Gods

The Mortals: 15mm Xyston Ancient Greeks

Forever with a view for fun and colourful settings for a good skirmish game, here are the poor mortals that will inevitably meet their fate against the powers of the Gods or the brutality of legendary mythological beasts. The Greek warriors.

Anyone of a similar generation as I will have fond memories of films like Jason and the Argonauts (Harryhausen’s magic still has it’s charm today) with heroic battles against the likes of Medusa, Cyclops, harpies, Minotaur and skeletons to name but a few.

These chaps below are quite clearly sculpted and posed for ‘armies’. I only wish that more ‘heroic’ or ‘legendary’ style miniatures existed in 15mm for my purposes. Something like these, or these. Ditching 15mm for 28mm would remedy this. But I can’t. Not yet anyway.

As per usual – no idea which system I’m going to end up using (some day). Certainly give Of Gods and Mortals a go and face off against the numerous Norse options I have. But then there’s Open Combat, Song of Blades and Heroes, Pulp Alley and several other systems that would be good for a warband orientated game. And of course, I still await delivery of High Heavens Kickstarter game which will give numerous God options!

15mm Xyston Ancient Greeks for mythical adventures and skirmishing games

15mm Xyston Ancient Greeks for mythical adventures and skirmishing games

15mm Xyston Ancient Greeks for mythical adventures and skirmishing games

15mm Xyston Ancient Greeks for mythical adventures and skirmishing games

15mm Xyston Ancient Greeks for mythical adventures and skirmishing games

Continue reading The Mortals: 15mm Xyston Ancient Greeks